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Réflexions pour la constitution d’un chemin clinique des victimes de violence au sein des établissements, de santé / Thoughts on the Constitution of a Clinical Pathway for Victims of Violence at Healthcare Establishments

 A. Thomas, H. Bazex, F. Trape, M. Oustrain, S. Lignon, D. Rougé

Les périostites : intérêt en anthropologie et en médecine légale / Periostisis: an Interest in Anthropology and Forensic Science

M.-E. Rougé, D. Rougé, E. Crubezy, N. Telmon

Questions particulières d’imputabilité traumatique / Specific Questions on Traumatic Imputability                        

 D. Rougé, N. Telmon

Admission par le Conseil d’État de l’imputabilité d’une sclérose en plaques à une vaccination VHB / Admission by the Council of the State of the Imputability of Multiple Sclerosis to an HBV Vaccination
S. Gromb, L. Benali, B. Béranger

Bref bilan des CRCI / Summary Report of the Regional Commissions for the Compensation of Victims of Medical Accidents (CRCI)                                                                                                                                                     D.-H. Matagrin

Infections nosocomiales : la jurisprudence tunisienne / Nosocomial Infection: Tunisian Jurisprudence                      T. Masmoudi, M. Zemni, M. K. Souguir

Mort subite et sport / Sudden Death and Sport                                                                                                         R. La Harpe, K. Wyss, C. Palmiere, S. Burkhardt

Mortalité routière à Genève / Road-traffic related mortality in Geneva                                                                     C. Palmiere, S. Burkhardt, R. La Harpe

Un cas inhabituel d’épistaxis fatale / An Unusual Case of Massive Fatal Epistaxis                                                      C. Palmiere, D.M. Picchioni, F. Ventura

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