Volume 5, Issue 2, December 2010
Editor ..............................3
Strategies triple accountability of banking groups: what impact on the cooperative financial institutions? Lovasoa RAMBOARISATA et Andrée DE SERRES...................... 4
Social responsibility of business and management responsibility of the researcher: commissioning test abyss about consumption Valérie-Inés DE LA VILLE et Benjamin DREVETON.................15
Social responsibility of business: responsible action on the responsibility for action Jerome BALLET.................................... 31
Societal determinants of strategy of multinationals in France Manel BORCHANI MAKTOUF.................... 39
The fair management of human resources in international markets: Universality and cultural specificity? Thierry NADISIC et Dirk D. STEINER............. 59
Lean management is it irresponsible? Arnaud STIMEC, Thierry BERTRAND et Xavier MICHEL........................... 76
Contribution to a genealogy of the social responsibility of business: The case of Cameroon Aluminium (1954-2005) and Marie-Claire LOISON et Anne PEZET.................... 86
Instructions to Authors ............................. 101