Armed forces and society in the arab world: between revolt and conservatism
Jean-François Daguzan...................7
The lebanese armed forces
Symbol of national unity and subject of communitarian tensions
Didier Leroy.................................31
Ethno-sociological politics of the saudi armed forces
David Rigoulet-Roze.....................45
The pâsdârân-artesh model: internal concerns and external challenges in the framework of the arab spring
Moises Garduño Garcia.................71
The UNIFIL in the south-lebanon post-2006 rebuilding.
Questioning the civil-military co-operation
Julie Chapuis................................85
Economic relations between china and maghreb countries
Thierry Pairault...........................99
The libyan revolution seen from beijing
François Lafargue......................115
France and algeria at the post-colonial hour: between decolonization and De-nationalization?
Séverine Labat............................127
Unchangeable and changing: the geopolitics of Libya in the post-Gaddafi era
Mohamed Faraj Ben Lamma.........147