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Germany: A model
for French industry?
Issue editor
Gerald Lang
Pierre Couveinhes
Foreword : Europe and Germany need a competitive France
Gerhard Cromme
Germany’s strategy for coping with a globalized economy
Jean-Louis Beffa
Towards an ethics for industry: The lessons drawn from Bosch
Guy Maugis
“Codetermination” in Germany: Employee participation in a cooperative business model
Sebastian Sick
German-style management, an unknown asset?
Gerald Lang and Nicolas Mottis
Apprenticeship stands surety for Germany’s ability to innovate
Isabelle Bourgeois
The policy of innovation and university-company collaboration: The Fraunhofer institutes
Wolfgang Knapp
The cost of labor and corporate taxes
François Hellio and Christophe Jolk
The role of regional banks in financing the German economy
Frank Eloy
A strategy different from France’s: German energy policy
Rolf Linkohr
A little known success in the German economy: Agribusiness, a solid innovative partner in a globalized food industry
Christoph Minhoff
Specific to Germany, the mittelstand
Gerald Lang
Specific References