Algeria isone of the lastplaces in the worldfor representation of women inpolitical and publicinstitutions.the imbalancesfacingtherepresentativenessshocktoday theirarchaic.More than sixdecades after thearmed revolutionfor whichAlgerian womenparticipatedas well astheman she continues tobe subject todiscriminationinincommensurate accessto electoral mandates, policiesand managementfunctions of the city.Religious conservatismconveyedby the school,an institution whoreleasedyetsomehow,has spread rapidly to allpublic policies and institutionsto becomea fact office.
The example of amixed economy companyhas aland developmentfraudneglected bythe literature:thereis widespreadfraud,little by little,thetop-downby imitation andaddiction, incollusionimplied.Literaturewasmoreinterested, in fact,illegalmaneuversin the eyesof the officer orprohibitedby law.But she hadnot modeledthe process by whichfraudis formed, growsand findsan end.Based onthe caseof theSEM,we propose a modelfor the dissemination offraud andwe discussits possiblegeneralization,while analyzingthe appropriateness oftraditional measures offight against fraud.