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Article : La plateforme intergouvernementale scientifique et politique sur la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques (IPBES)
Directrice de recherche au CNRS
Centre d’études et de recherches internationales et communautaire,
UMR 7318 CNRS-Aix-Marseille Université, Aix-en-Provence
Filling an identified gap, the establishment of an international mechanism for science / policy and expert / decision maker interface, in the field of biodiversity does not go so smoothly. This new institution is the result of a relatively long and arduous international negotiations process, the starting point having been an idea launched in Paris in 2005 at an international conference on biodiversity and supported by President Chirac. The “Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services” (IPBES) is part of a legal and institutional landscape very complex and fragmented. Even though it was officially established in 2012 and held its first meeting in January 2013, its status and governance, as well as its procedures and methods of operation remain to be defined. Often presented as the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) biodiversity, it is inspired in fact by the latter while distinguishing in several respects.
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The example of a mixed economy company has a land development fraud neglected by the literature: there is widespread fraud, little by little, the top-down by imitation and addiction, in collusion implied. Literature was more interested, in fact, illegal maneuvers in the eyes of the officer or prohibited by law. But she had not modeled the process by which fraud is formed, grows and finds an end. Based on the case of the SEM, we propose a model for the dissemination of fraud and we discuss its possible generalization, while analyzing the appropriateness of traditional measures of fight against fraud.
The example of a mixed economy company has a land development fraud neglected by the literature: there is widespread fraud, little by little, the top-down by imitation and addiction, in collusion implied. Literature was more interested, in fact, illegal maneuvers in the eyes of the officer or prohibited by law. But she had not modeled the process by which fraud is formed, grows and finds an end. Based on the case of the SEM, we propose a model for the dissemination of fraud and we discuss its possible generalization, while analyzing the appropriateness of traditional measures of fight against fraud.