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Article: Designing visual’s artifact and knowledge generation. The need for developing the intercomprehension
The purpose of this present work is to answer the flowing question: how are the recent knowledges generated in the conception activities which appear in the field of work space planning? The first party focuses on the works related to the conception activities (works of Lebahar, Hatchuel and Visser…etc...). The second deals with the different theories relating to the generation of knowledge (works of Nonaka, Tsoukas and Engeström… etc…). To answer our research question, we have installed a device which requires a long_term intervention inside the enterprises meant for study. There are two Parisian enterprises that specialize in work space planning: (GENIE DES LIEUX and workspace CBRE). During the work, we have shown some difficulty intercomprehension that emerged in the conception activities. We have concluded, as a result, that these obstacles were due to relational tacit knowledges (RTK) according to Harry Collins theory. However these difficulties can be made explicit by the conception of intermediate objects. We have also noticed that ho when conceiving the artifacts into two and three dimensions, this allows the generation of new and useful knowledges in a project of work space planning.
Mourad CHOUKI est Docteur ès Sciences de Gestion, membre titulaire du Laboratoire CEREFIGE (Université de Lorraine). Ses thématiques de recherche portent sur la génération des connaissances et le knowledge management, la conception des artefacts visuels, la médiation et les intéractions au sein des équipes de travail.