Article: The co-production of artifacts mediator. A tool for project management
Thi Dau Tan PHAM
How users can interact with developers in information system project? This question raises the problem of misunderstanding between different categories of actors because of the depth of Common Tacit Knowledge. Overcoming the challenge of intercomprehension requires the development of artifacts mediators. In this paper, by using the case of "Baskets" of a project team in healthcare area, we show how the co-production of artifacts allows the team members to remove the knowledge barriers between them. These artifacts facilitate the process of Common Knowledge generation, which is necessary to the implementation of the project.
The author
Thi Dau Tan PHAM est docteur ès Sciences de Gestion de l’Université de Lorraine. Laboratoire CEREFIGE. Ses champs de recherche concernent le Management des connaissances et le Management de projet système d’information. Elle étudie en particulier le processus collaboratif entre les acteurs issus de différents corps de métier, et la conduite du changement. Elle plaide pour l’approche par la pratique et mobilise la recherche-action dans ses travaux.