Article: Conceptualizations in action and knowledge management
Jean-Claude COULET
Despite the challenges posed by the conceptualizations in action within organizations, theories of activity are not much developed in knowledge management literature. In a first part, we present a few key elements in order to clarify what are processes of conceptualization involved in individual and collective activities. Then, on this basis, in a second methodological part, we present how to optimize the articulation of these two types of activities. We develop also a strategic management model, based on the SECI model of Nonaka & Takeuchi (1995), which focuses on social-cognitive processes that must be mobilized.
The author
Jean-Claude Coulet est chercheur associé au Centre de Recherche en Psychologie, Cognition et Communication de l’Université Rennes2, (CRPCC, Université Rennes 2) après y avoir occupé un poste d’enseignant-chercheur en psychologie du développement. Ses recherches portent essentiellement sur les compétences individuelles et collectives. Actuellement, il enseigne à l’Institut de Gestion de Rennes sur la thématique : « Intelligence économique et innovation.