En France, une personne sur cinq entend mal. Elle souffre disolement. Le prix des aides auditives reste élevé. Du coup, trop peu en bénéficient. La technologie Sytis est la révolution quelles attendaient dans le domaine de la téléphonie : cette application offre à tous les malentendants une meilleure écoute pendant leurs communications téléphoniques.
Much has beensaid and written aboutwork motivationsince the adventof modern organizations.Managementtheoriesof motivationhave focusedtheir inputon the identification ofexternal stimulithat could beoperated byorganizationsandover,the managers, with a viewto stimulatethe motivation ofindividuals.This article proposesareversalof approach.Work motivationisunderstood asahighlydynamicindividualresulting from the investmentactivitiesof threeregisters:Bonds,InitiativesandAspirations.These threebooksare indispensableto each individualto workand arespecific to each(the contentvaries from one individualto another)and areconstantly changing,asand when theyare actuallyinvested andthat theindividualgets older.This conceptualizationbuildsa new approach tothe management oforganizationalmotivation:the direction itproposesis to makeeach individualworkof boththe guardian andregulatorof itsObligations/ Initiatives/Aspirations.