Past ten years, literature is an increasing number of works trying to identify the different levers to operate to encourage innovation within companies. In continuation of this work focused on the emergence of a "culture of innovation," the state of the art made in this article allows us to bring about a feeling of "psychological safety" is the only means that:
- Members of the organization are not paralyzed by fear of failure and continue to offer bold initiatives,
- These players learn from the mistakes that will inevitably be committed during the innovation process and are able to no longer reproduce. We suggest, as such, some lines of thought to create a culture of "room for error" in organizations, starting with the consolidation of the reward and sanction systems by the inclination of the direction to "Legends" failures. We stress however that this may be possible in the context of American culture is not necessarily in that of French culture.
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Lhydatidose ou échinococcose kystique est une maladie parasitaire due au développement chez lhomme du stade larvaire dEchinococcus granulosus sous forme dun kyste hydatique. Son évolution, lente et silencieuse, peut rester asymptomatique mais peut aussi être fatale en labsence de traitement. Cette anthropozoonose sévit dans les zones délevage pastoral où cohabitent étroitement les différents hôtes, en général chiens et bétail. Les répercussions en santé humaine et les pertes économiques de lhydatidose associées à sa répartition ubiquitaire en font un problème de santé publique majeur à léchelle mondiale.
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