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Pierre Couveinhes
5 Introduction
Claude Trink

I - Important issues
7 The Mediterranean Solar Plan, a cooperative model between the two shores of the Mediterranean
Jean-Michel Charpin and Nasser Kamel
13 The Mediterranean Solar Plan and the Union for the Mediterranean
Antoine-Tristan Mocilnikar
15 The Mediterranean Solar Plan: the dynamics of a project of political cooperation, energy and industrial in the Mediterranean and the challenges
Philippe Lorec and Christophe Schramm
20 The impact of the Mediterranean Solar Plan on the development of interconnections between the Mediterranean countries
François and Pierre Meslier Palat

II - The mobilization of significant funding
The funding model for the Mediterranean Solar Plan
Michel Laffitte and Florent Massou
36 The Mediterranean Solar Plan: a symbol of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership? The European Investment Bank in the service of a renewed political energy
Philippe de Fontaine Vive
42 The initiative of the World Bank for a rise of concentrating solar power (CSP)
Silvia Pariente-David, Jonathan Walters, Chandra and Roger Coma Cunill Govindarajalu
50 Funding for renewable electricity in the Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP)
Rima Le Coguic and Christian de Gromard

III - The industrial challenges
54 But where are the French companies manufacturing equipment for solar power?
Claude Trink
61 Photovoltaic solar energy
Pâris Mouratoglou and Pierre-Guy Thérond
71 A French specificity: the integration of solar PV to the frame
Henri Triebel
74 Sophia Antipolis Energy Development: a new type of solar thermodynamic plant
Michel Wohrer
83 A new building material producers of energy - the Sith, made from thin layers of silicon (Silicon Thin-Films)
Claire Tutenuit and Hugh Anthony Guinoiseau
89 The return of a French actor in the field of concentrating solar technology
Roger Pujol

IV - Developments abroad
96 The recovery of the production of "green" electricity in the United States: a meeting between Prometheus and Keynes ...
Marc Magaud and Daniel Ochoa
104 Germany: a rapid development of the solar industry, argue that significant efforts in research
Jean-François Dupuis, Claire Vaille and Nicolas Cluzel
111 What is possible in Germany could also become a success in France: the development of Q-Cells, the first producer of solar cells
Markus Wieser and Frank Strümpfel
114 In Spain, renewable energy, they still have the wind (and sun) in its sails?
Thomas Vial and Guy Molénat

V - Research programs in France
120 A new future for the photovoltaic industry French
Eric Laborde
125 The challenges of development of photovoltaic technologies and the creation of the National Institute of Solar Energy
Jean-Pierre Joly
132 From low cost to high-tech: room for improvement techniques available for photovoltaics
Jean-François Guillemoles
139 Abstracts foreign

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