See the Number 40
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The International Journal of Social Psychology (RIP) operates within the paradigm Radical constructivist epistemology (PECR), that is to say that the editorial views each scholar as producing knowledge involved in the construction of a representation of the reality. It remains partial, provisional, situated and contextualized, until a new representative or complete the changes. Within this framework of relativity, the journal is therefore sure to multiply in the same folder, using the approaches of different grids: psychology, management science and economics. Different grids professional: public officials, private managers, senior managers, local managers. And especially two types of knowledge: Orthodox items contributing to academic knowledge and feedback contributing to ordinary knowledge. The themes relate to organizational structures, studied by organizational theory and management science, whether multinational or SMEs, large hospitals and small associations. But within these organizations, topics, preferably allocate their attention to the transverse processes interactive, involving the internal psychic environment of actors (processes reflexes, emotional, compassionate or representational) and the external organizational environment (legal processes, economic and financial ). This interaction impacts three plans: Plans micro, meso and macro. At the micro level, it is the interaction of the internal environment of the actor with other actors that are possible. At the meso level, it is the interaction of the internal environment of the actor with the institution and the organization are possible. At the macro level, it is the interaction of the internal environment of the actor with the policy, the United Nations and global phenomena, which are possible.