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Vegetation dynamics in the Sahelian area of Ferlo, Senegal is mainly driven by fire occurrence. Extent and intensity of savannah fires are dependent on land-use patterns; in this context, two studied areas were selected : South Ferlo (natural protected area)
and Kanel – UP (managed grazing units). The location of these areas is indicated at figure 1. Two data sources have been used to monitor vegetation dynamics from 2001 to 2013 in Ferlo area : burned area maps derived from MODIS data and NDVI from SPOT-VEGETATION (table 1). MODIS data from Terra and Aqua satellites are available for active fire detection and burned areas
assessment. SPOT VEGETATION dekadal NDVI data (S10) allow seasonal vegetation phenology monitoring and year to year comparison.
MSG1-SEVIRI ; Vegetation dynamics, bushfires, MODIS, SPOT-VEGETATION, NDVI, Ferlo, Senegal.