The launch of theAlJazeerainformation chain,theninvestments in finance andmore recentlyin football(purchase ofclubsand retransmission rights)well as its roleplayedin the Libyan conflict,have placed theQataron the front ofthe international scene.Rich inpeninsula gas(depositsoffshore)and oil,located on the southshore of the Gulfarabopersique (at the borderof Saudi Arabiaand close toArab Emirates united andof Bahrain), theQatardisplaysambitionsthat rely ona financial strike forceoutside the norm,having regard toits very small size.
Past tenyears, literatureis an increasing numberof workstrying toidentify the differentleversto operateto encourageinnovationwithin companies.Incontinuationof this work focused onthe emergence of a"culture ofinnovation,"the state of theartmadein this articleallows us tobring about a feelingof "psychological safety" isthe only meansthat: - Membersof the organizationare notparalyzed byfear of failureand continueto offerbold initiatives, -Theseplayerslearn from themistakes thatwill inevitably becommitted during theinnovation processand are ableto no longerreproduce.We suggest, as such, somelines of thoughtto createaculture of "room for error"in organizations, starting withthe consolidation of thereward andsanction systemsby theinclinationof the direction to"Legends"failures.We stresshoweverthatthismay be possiblein the contextof American cultureis notnecessarily inthat ofFrench culture.