Consumer expectations with regard to mobility, safety and the environment have become strategic issues for firms in the automobile industry — issues that are economic as well as industrial or technological. Engineering firms have gradually become full-fledged players in this branch of the economy, alongside car-makers and parts manufacturers.
This article focusesoncurrent and futureanalysis teamsSocially Responsible Investment (SRI) ofasset managementin France.Theaim of this paperis to investigatea possibleconvergence betweentraditionalasset managementandSRI management, in particular througha detailed studyof the tasks performedby these teamsand theirposition in theManagement Industryassets.The resultsof a survey conductedin France in 2009with keyplayers in the fieldare presented.These results suggestaconvergencetaking place betweenSRI andconventional management(mainstream), although itstill seemsto be agreat heterogeneityof practicesreflectinga transitionin a fieldstill veryfragmented.