Article: Household appliances: Manufacturers work out strategies for repairs
President of GIFAM (Groupment Interprofessionel des Fabricants d’Appareils d’Équipement Ménager)
The sector of household appliances has been a precursor in environmental matters related to the consumption of energy by appliances or the reprocessing of wastes and used appliances. The chain set up in France for processing wastes from electrical and electronic equipment is one of the most efficient in Europe. The energy label — used in the French household appliance industry for more than fifteen years — has gradually been expanded to cover all devices running on electricity. These actions are still important, even as attention is being turned to the environmental challenge of reducing wastes. From this perspective, GIFAM, an association of manufacturers of household appliances, has decided to place service and repair work at the core of its actions. This approach seeks to respond to requirements coming from consumers, environmental organizations and public authorities, and to reinforce relations with repair businesses and the “social economy”. Reducing the production of wastes entails a prudent maintenance of appliances by consumers and the ability of professionals to find solutions for repairs and endow goods with a second, efficient life.