Article: Étiquettes environnementales et consommation durable : des relations ambiguës en construction
Anne-Sophie BINNINGER*, Isabelle ROBERT**, Nacima OURAHMOUN***
* Professeur – NEOMA Business School – Groupe de recherche MCS (Marketing, Consumption & Society) - Chercheure associée au LIRSA CNAM (Paris)
** Maître de Conférences – Univ. Lille Nord de France-SKEMA Business School
*** Professeur – NEOMA Business School – Groupe de recherche MCS (Marketing, Consumption & Society)
This article explores a new tool for information and communication little studied which aims at encouraging more sustainable consumption: environmental labels. It is based on two studies carried out among managers working on environmental labels and among consumers who viewed different labels on various products (multi-criteria and carbon labels). By analysing the possible conditions for integration of these labels into shopping behaviours, the authors clarify their possibilities, limits and the obstacles to their use in terms of sustainable consumption. They then discuss the results and propose managerial orientations with regard to the macro-economic issues of sustainable development.