A growing number of investors no longer seeks mainly to earn money by running businesses, but by making transactions on property rights of companies. The purchase and resale of industrial and commercial establishments are moments where large sums of money are exchanged quickly and in which fortunes are made and unmade. What are the consequences of these changes in ownership on the constant long-term development of the institutions concerned and prosperity (or decline) of their stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, small investors and local) ? We propose here to examine these issues from the case study of European investment in the Brazilian bioethanol.
GC201411832 Art. Les enjeux de l'ethnomarketing dans le secteur bancaire : le cas d'une banque autrichienne
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Le groupe bancaire Raiffeisen de Basse Autriche et de Vienne est en train de construire, et même de conduire et de valoriser, une politique active de développement et de fidélisation auprès dune clientèle dimmigrés originaires de Turquie et de lex-Yougoslavie. Son activité et sa communication mettent laccent sur son engagement en faveur de lintégration des immigrés. En partant de la problématique propre à lethnobanking, nous proposons ici une étude du discours identitaire déployé par la banque régionale de la capitale autrichienne. Lanalyse de sa communication écrite (rapports dactivité, publications diverses, sites Internet) sera complétée par une étude qualitative menée auprès de ses managers et de ses responsables. Lambition de notre article est de montrer comment une banque peut nourrir et communiquer un positionnement différenciant à travers un discours global cohérent et en phase avec les enjeux du marketing ethnique dans le domaine bancaire.
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A growing number of investors no longer seeks mainly to earn money by running businesses, but by making transactions on property rights of companies. The purchase and resale of industrial and commercial establishments are moments where large sums of money are exchanged quickly and in which fortunes are made and unmade. What are the consequences of these changes in ownership on the constant long-term development of the institutions concerned and prosperity (or decline) of their stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, small investors and local) ? We propose here to examine these issues from the case study of European investment in the Brazilian bioethanol.
A growing number of investors no longer seeks mainly to earn money by running businesses, but by making transactions on property rights of companies. The purchase and resale of industrial and commercial establishments are moments where large sums of money are exchanged quickly and in which fortunes are made and unmade. What are the consequences of these changes in ownership on the constant long-term development of the institutions concerned and prosperity (or decline) of their stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, small investors and local) ? We propose here to examine these issues from the case study of European investment in the Brazilian bioethanol.