DP2015142 Art. The modern palace: a new sociology of distinction?

Author : BOURDIN Alain
Type d'édition : Papier
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Originally the palace (luxury hotel) corresponds exactly to the lifestyle of the "leisure class," modelled by the British elite. This group produces its own places in order to develop its activities and its self-celebration. For its members the key is to differentiate themselves and to respect the rules of distinction (social skills). The rise of the jet set and celebrities phenomenon has made this lifestyle a permanent show and led to the frantic search for places of events. Now the new palaces customers come from all parts of the world and do not necessarily belong to the elite. They look for sensory and emotional inimitable experiences, and distinction becomes secondary. This will transform the concept of palace.

Keywords: Industrial revolution, tradition, modernity, elite, modern comforts, conspicuous consumption, a favorite resort, jet set, prestigious events, processing, object of imagination, high social value, prestigious character, heritage dimension, myth, Experiential marketing, sensory, body and gourmet experience, traditional demand, social significance, traditional artistocraties, qualitative transformation, quantitative development, Warholian fifteen hour, rejuvenation customer, standard luxury, individualization, self satisfaction.

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