A medical journal founded in 2011
A new medical journal, dedicated to specific cancers in women and a better knowledge of their peculiarities. Indeed, in addition to gynecological cancers specific to women, there are differences between men and women from this disease. Risk factors are not all the same, or do not entail the same consequences.
All fields of cancer and diseases will be covered by the different categories: Skin Cancer, Palliative Care / Immediate Care, Prevention Training, Hematology, Urology, Breast Cancer, Uterine Cancer, thrombosis and cancer, Psychology, Cancer of Spinal, Pain / Quality of Life, Ovarian Cancer, Gynecologic Surgery, Cancer of the digestive system, Thyroid Cancer, Respiratory
The Journal publishes : original research (experimental, physiological, clinics, diagnostic procedures, therapeutic, statistical surveys, epidemiological, etc.).Summaries and reviews ; records; clinical facts which should be brief, technical processes; tune-ups, general journals, magazines, news and reports of Congress, meetings of scientific societies, book reviews and magazines, advertisements and scientific meetings of Congress, an open forum: Letter to authors, correspondence,
The journal publishes articles that have never been published in French before.
Women CANCERS : PREVENTION AND TREATMENTS : - Readers are oncologists, radiologists and gynecologists radio therapists, practitioners and health professionals facing the cancer diseases in women.
Editors in Chief:
Marc Espie - Fabrice Lecuru - Jean TREDANIEL
Editorial Committee
Officials heading include :
Thyroid cancer, Emile SARFATI
Hematology, Sylvie CASTAIGNE
Pulmonology, Jean TRéDANIEL
Palliative care / Immediate care, Laure COPEL
Ovarian cancer, Laurence GLADIEFF and Eric PUJADE-LAURAINE
Cancer lung, Jean-Charles SORIA
Urology, Stéphane CULINA, Ariane CORTESSE
Uterine cancer, Emile DARAI and Pascale ROMESTING
Pain / Quality of life, Brigitte GEORGE
Marrow cancer, Jean-PierreFERMAND
Psychology, Natacha ESPIé
Cancer child / Adolescent Diéras, Valérie LAURENCE
Breat cancer, Véronica, Paul and Marc-Henri Cottu ESPIE
Thyroid cancer, Marie-Hélène TOUBERT
Cancer of the digestive system, Philippe ROUGIER
Skin cancer, Céleste LEBBE, Nicole APRIL
Thrombosis and cancer, Ismail EL ALAMY
Gynecological surgery, Fabrice LÉCURU
Managing Editor:
Serge KEBABTCHIEFF, Président Directeur Général of Eska Publishing - 12, Rue du Quatre Septembre 75002 Paris
Tel 33 (0) 1 42 86 55 65 / Fax (33 (0) 1 42 60 45 35
AGPA Editions* - 4 rue Camélinat - 42000 Saint Etienne - Tel: 33 (0) 4 77 43 26 70 - Fax: 33 (0) 4 77 41 85 04
Marie-Thérèse SOULAS : Mail: agpaedit@wanadoo.fr
* A subsidiary of the publishing ESKA
The authors undertook to ask the permission of the publisher of the journal if they wish to reproduce all or part of their article.
Manuscripts should be addressed:
- By e-mail: agpaedit@wanadoo.fr (in attached file word.doc)
- Or by mail: paper + CD (Mac or PC)
AGPA Publishing, Attn Dr. Marc Espie, Editor in Chief of the journal WOMEN CANCER AGPA Editions 4, rue Camélinat, 42000 Saint-Etienne Tel : 04 77 43 26 70, Fax 04 77 41 85 04 - E-mail: agpaedit@wanadoo.fr
All items will be submitted for acceptance to the drafting committee for the attention of the secretariat of Writing. In case of refusal reasons, the manuscript will be returned to the author. If accepted, reductions or modifications may be suggested by the drafting committee.
The original and two copies must be provided, including tables and figures (photographs or slides, and a set of prints on paper).
The text must be entered with a double-spaced, margins 2.5 cm and with only one face per page.
The first page should contain the title of the article, the full names of authors, complete address of hospital or address of the authors (with phone, email and fax), keywords (in French and English) and an explanation of the title.
The title should be brief and indicate clearly the subject of work, include function words, the first ever to be, wherever possible, a keyword.
Keywords (up to 5) are proposed by the authors for use in the bibliographic index to the drafting of Contents and Documentation Services International. They must be chosen carefully.
The explanation of the title is intended to be included in the summary of the review. She must have 2 lines maximum and remember the theme and the main result of the article.
On the next page will include two summaries (one French, one English, maximum 15 typed lines each). Each of these summaries should be concise and include the details provided by each chapter heading.
The articles should include: an introduction, and conclusion
The chapter titles should be brief.
They should be avoided wherever possible. Otherwise, they must be disclosed at the first citation in the text, except for abbreviations referring.
The generic name, brand name, marketing or pharmaceutical designation and its address (eg Town Country ) must be provided.
Grouped at the end of the article, they shall be numbered and listed alphabetically. They must include:
the names of all authors (own name in full, initials for first names) ("et al" is not accepted);
complete reference of the title, without abbreviations;
for journals, they must contain: the title of this journal, abbreviated according to international standards, year, volume and first and last page;
for works, they must include the name of the Publisher, the city, the announcement released and the first and last pages in the case of a chapter, or the number of pages if s' acts of the entire work.
Magazines: Carison HE, Wasser HL, Levin SR, Wilkins JN: Prolactin stimulation by meals IS related to protein content.
J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 1983, 57, 334-338.
Book: Peillon F., Vincens M.: The hyper-prolactin hidden or not apparent. Prolactin-in neurotransmission and fertility, Masson Ed, Paris 1982, pp. 231-235.
Tables should be typed double-spaced, each on a separate sheet and must be sufficiently explicit to avoid having to use the text. They should be numbered in Roman numerals.
Figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Their number should be limited. They must be typed on separate sheets and be of perfect quality. To avoid errors of layout, it is advisable to indicate on the back of the figures up and down, the figure number and name of first author. All figures must be black and white legend. Legends should be provided on a separate sheet.
They must be expressed at the end of the article, and any indications of subsidies that could be granted to authors.
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