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Le rôle de l'environnement réglementaire, légal et institutionnel, dans la défaillance des banques. [extrait BMI 73]
Author : Godlewski Christophe
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This article investigates the impact of institutional and regulatory factors on banks'default in emerging market economies. Few studies have investigated bank default in these economies. Although, the quality of institutions which determine investors'protection and bank regulation's efficiency can condition the level of risk taking and therefore affects the probability of banks'default. We model the latter using a two step logit model applied to a sample of banks from emerging market economies. The results confirm the role of the institutional and regulatory environment in controlling the incentives for excess credit risk taking. Particularly, the rule of law appears to be a crucial element for a credible and efficient regulation.Auteurs :Godlewski Christophe
Extrait de la revue BMI 73