Post-Ben Ali Tunisia: The Rise of tribalism solidarity? Back in

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Since the flight of President Ben Ali on January 14, 2011, Tunisians
is seeking a common destiny. The duty of loyalty to the deceased partiÉtat,
RCD 1, clientelism and repression had silenced many
divisions and claims, often legitimate, until cellesci
ablaze the country after the immolation of Mohamed young
Bouazizi on 17 December 2010. Now that the system is benaliste
dropped and the police, discredited, deserted public space,
social, economic and regional political fractures resurface.
We account, one gauge, one distrusts, movement of strikes and marches
the UGTT 2 intimidation Salafist operations. And the result of
elections to the Constituent Assembly in October 2011, placing the Islamists
Ennahdha first position, only exacerbated the antagonisms
and resentment: Islamists against leftists, against supporters of Sharia
advocates a "civilian" government, if not secular, young "revolutionaries"
against representatives of the political class, the poor within 3 against
privileged Sahel 4, "Bedouin" against Beldis 5, etc..

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This article focuses on current and future analysis teams Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) of asset management in France. The aim of this paper is to investigate a possible convergence between traditional asset management and SRI management, in particular through a detailed study of the tasks performed by these teams and their position in the Management Industry assets. The results of a survey conducted in France in 2009 with key players in the field are presented. These results suggest a convergence taking place between SRI and conventional management (mainstream), although it still seems to be a great heterogeneity of practices reflecting a transition in a field still very fragmented.

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