If tradebetween the shoresof the Persian Gulfcontinuesin a reticularterritoryin the South andin the North,through thelegal trade or illegal,the importanceof the presence ofIraniansin the UAE reflectsnewmigration trendsthat echoaprocess wideglobalization andmetropolisation.More than500,000Iranianslive and workingin the UAEwitha population of about4 million people.It is no longernecessary to remember thattheurban development Dubaiis partly dueto the presence ofmigrants fromfourcontinents. But ifthe majorityof the population ofDubaiis native toSoutheast Asia and an inhabitantoftwowas born in India,theancient Iraniandimensionremains pregnantand 80% ofIraniansareEmiratesin Dubai.