TheAl-Qaedain the Islamic Maghrebactivisminthe Sahel region poses serious challengesto thenational securityof Algeria.At therebellion Tuareglong been consideredoneabscess because of itspotential impact onthe Algerian territory, came graftedadeterritorializedandtransnationalterrorism, making Algeriansecurity issuein relation tothis area,yet more complex. It is recognized thatthe global campaignagainstterrorismoffers Algeriatheopportunityto establish itself asa major playerandthe same opportunity to recognizeits international role, the insertionin theSahel overall strategycarriesnew constraints.Thusroutesdo we towardsregionalization ofthe fight against terrorismas an extension of the global campaigntodefined by theUnited Statescontours.Thereemerges the issue ofthis article:howAlgeria isshefits this regionalization?Does itsucceedin imposing itsrole ina region wherestrugglesare intensifying?