The member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Kuwait, Saudi
Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and Oman), recorded in a
half-century dramatic population growth resulting from the discovery
and exploitation of hydrocarbons. In 2005, these countries had 33.5 million
population 12.5 million foreigners. Population growth,
economic and urban primarily relied on international migration
work. Across the GCC, foreigners make up more than 37% of the population
resident, a proportion that would be respectively 65%, 70% and 80%
Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE In view of the magnitude, if
have attracted interest, often secondary or passenger in their production
scientific, demographers, sociologists, geographers, political scientists or
anthropologists, international labor migration in the Gulf have
not inspired many reference works. This is probably due
gaps in the statistical system of the Gulf countries, but also perhaps
at least for the East of France, by orientalists and legacies
structures research on North Africa and the Middle East
decentered eyes on the Gulf in a Middle Eastern perspective 1. we
therefore seemed useful to us to deliver a report on how it has been studied
phenomenon as it is important to have an approach that takes into account the Asian emitters 2 main providers of long
labor force, not only in low-skilled jobs. we would
Therefore, in a first movement, offering both a state of the question, a
statement of sources and an inventory to reflect that dynamic
should be clarified taking into account the differences from one state to another.