Article: A collaborative research project on audience measurement and new advertising formats
By Fabienne ANDRO
Researcher, Orange Labs
This article comes out of research conducted as part of Measure Interactivity Research Innovation Advertising and Devices (MIRIAD), a collaborative project approved by the Competitive Pole “Images and Networks” and backed by: the Ministry of Industry, the Brittany Region, Rennes Metropolis, the Quimper-Cornouaille Technopole and Finistère Department. This project brought together eleven partners from industry (Orange Labs, Le Télégramme, Alcatel Lucent), academia (Télécom Bretagne, ESC Rennes and the universities of Rennes 1, Rennes 2 and South Britanny) and small and medium-sized businesses (Alenty, BookBeo, NewLC, Polymorph). It lasted 23 months and terminated in October 2012.