Article: Are French ports less attractive owing to the lack of rail freight services? Or does this lack result from ports being less attractive?
Chairman of the Conseil de Surveillance du Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque, president of the Union des Ports de France and member of the Conseil Supérieur de la Marine Marchande
Faced with costs rising faster than for other forms of transport, shipping freight by rail in France has continuously seen its share of the market decrease. Nevertheless, some pundits predict a rosy future, arguing that rail freight has to its advantage bulk shipments and a weaker carbon footprint. Meanwhile, the ports are actively pursuing a strategy for increasing their share of the freight market. To serve their hinterland, they have to count on a long-haul rail system that is not just “reactive” but also (and above all) reliable. The future of French ports and of rail freight will be closely related in the coming decades.