What revolution began in the Arab world?
The events that led to the fall of Presidents Ben Ali and
Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and civil war in Libya reflect the
end of a model of governance in the Arab world - the stability
authoritarian. Most of these authoritarian regimes exist in different
forms since independence (about sixty years for the oldest).
These models generally contrived Western powers, from the
mid-1980s saw a bulwark against radical Islam.
Within these countries, the power was bolstered by international support
(and often primarily the United States) which he enjoyed and
the social pact that ensured the growth of the economy, employment and
the emergence of a middle class. The Algerian civil war struck the
spirits, and after September 11, 2001, the United States gave their
carte blanche implied Arab powers to strengthen their
enforcement without being too fussed about who was the victim. during this
period, the Democratic parody election 90% of the vote and for
the leader or his party was the loincloth of political inaction and
the lack of civil liberties.