Atherothrombosis, overall and disease diffuse, is the leading cause of mortality worldwide. several studies have shown the relationship between the presence of PAD and the risk of cardiovascular events.
The REACH Registry (Reduction of Atherothrombosis for Continued Health) (1, 2) the advantage of being an observational registry prospective international patients ambulatory at risk for atherothrombotic events. The 67 888 patients aged at least 45 years 7 months recruited in 44 countries, have atherothrombotic disease proved (coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular or peripheral arterial disease N = 55,499) or at least 3 cardiovascular risk factors (n = 12 389). Patients with PAD are 12.2% of the collective. Approximately 3 out of 5
suffering from symptomatic PAOD is characterized by impairment polyvascular.