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Bankers, Markets & Investors n° 105 – Mars-Avril 2010
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- The Cost-Effi ciency of French Banks
- Credit Risk Models: A Contribution to the Debate on CDS Pricing
- The Determinants of Productive Efficiency of the Banks APPLICATION TO TUNISIAN BANKS
- Realized Volatility and High Frequency : Data: WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS TO FINANCIAL MARKET ANALYSIS?
- Effi ciency and Threshold Stock Price Adjustment: THE AMERICAN STOCK MARKET CASE
- The Cost-Effi ciency of French Banks
- Credit Risk Models: A Contribution to the Debate on CDS Pricing
- The Determinants of Productive Efficiency of the Banks APPLICATION TO TUNISIAN BANKS
- Realized Volatility and High Frequency : Data: WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS TO FINANCIAL MARKET ANALYSIS?
- Effi ciency and Threshold Stock Price Adjustment: THE AMERICAN STOCK MARKET CASE