Anthracyclines areused inthe adjuvant treatment ofbreast cancerfor about 25 years.Recentlyin the light ofnew data ontaxanesandtargeted therapies(trastuzumab) that have proventheir effectiveness andthe emergenceof newpredictorsof sensitivity toanthracyclines, it wasasked the following questions: 1.Isit possibleto dispense withanthracyclinesandtaxanesfor the benefit oftargeted therapies?! 2.Should weprescribeto all patientsanthracyclines?! 3.Isthere anypredictive factorsfor selectingpatientswho will benefitmost fromanthracyclines.
Whileone wonders aboutthe business of thetwenty-first centuryand "the companypost-crisis",it is usefulto return to theoriginalcompanyof the twentieth century.Under what conditionsit isborn?Whatexplains theformsthat we know?And what arethe foundationsthat couldnowbe challenged?Berle and Meansprovidea historicalinterest, sincetheir bookThe ModernCorporationand Privateporperty(1932)analyzes theemergence ofmodern businessin the early the twentieth century.