With a background ofCold Waron the one hand,andlookingthe other hand,a new Europeanhorizonincluding the EuropeanCommunityandDefense2 EconomicEuropean Community3firstsketchfeatures, France,facingthe Algerian insurrection,succumbsto the temptations of nationalism anda form of imperialisminspired by theromanticismof the nineteenthcentury.Soshould youprobablyhearthe inclusion of thefifth Republicina decolonization processbacked by abroadrecognition theinternationallegal principleof colonized peoplesto self-determination -Alsosupported bythe United States andthe former Soviet Union Soviet-asa slopeof the strategicrefocusingaroundFrance new targets forpowerwhich canhold thepactfrancoallemand 1963andthepolicy of nucleardeterrence asthe bases the most significant.
A growing number ofinvestorsno longer seeksmainly toearn moneyby runningbusinesses, butby makingtransactions onproperty rightsof companies.The purchaseand resale ofindustrial and commercial establishmentsaremomentswherelarge sums ofmoney areexchangedquickly andin whichfortunes aremade and unmade.What are the consequencesof thesechanges in ownershipon theconstantlong-term developmentof the institutions concernedandprosperity(or decline) of theirstakeholders (employees,customers, suppliers, small investorsand local)?We proposehere to examinethese issuesfrom thecase study ofEuropean investment in theBrazilianbioethanol.