Under the assumptionsof the World EconomicForum (WEF)andour forecast: -The global economy isinrecession in early2010.the Global GDP growthis expected to slowto2% in 2009and recover slightly, from3.4% in 2010. -The United States, Japanand the euro zonewill be in recessionfor same year. -Global growthwill resumeagainfrom2011-2013 the relativerecovery of the U.S.economy. - The growthof world tradewill fallin 2009,before resumeagain in2010-2013, but itwill still remainin below 7%. -The weakness oftrade growthwill undoubtedlyan impact on exportsofa number of emergingmarkets. -The U.S. dollarmeanwhilewill strengthenagainstthe euro (and othermajor foreign currencies) fromthe end of 2009,all otherregions will seereductionsin interest rates and the global marketwill bethe economies of theseregionsthenbecomethe least as low asthe U.S. economy.