The principal challenge in the coming years for car-making technology will be energy — the need to make vehicles that guzzle less gas and emit less CO2. A new form of mobility will emerge based not on a single solution but on the diversification of energy sources, with a sizeable share reserved for electricity and hydrogen fuel-cells. Toyota has decided to place hybrid motors at the center of its vision of this “smart” mobility in a society with vehicles connected to the Internet. This future mobility will have four pillars: safety, comfort, growing mobility and sustainable development.
The introductionof international practicesin Vietnam'smanagementseems tostumbleon somecultural behavior.Rather thanexamineahypotheticalchange in values, it isto understandthe ideathat actorshave of theplace of the individualand hisrelation to othersin the Vietnamese context.From acomparisonline by lineof a code ofbusiness ethicsand itsVietnamese translation,we will highlightin this articletwovery differentconceptionsof therelationship to the worldand goodgovernance.It is fromthis understandingof the differences betweenthese twocultural worldsthat companiescould adapttheir management practicesto local conditions.