Article: Support the process of knowledge generation
In social sciences and more particularly in sciences of management, the notion of individual tacit knowledge developed since several decades (Polanyi, 1958, Nonaka, 1991). The notion of collective tacit knowledge appeared more recently in particular thanks to Harry Collins's work. The poles of competitiveness (“poles de compétitivité”) are a particular shape of Knowledge Clusters. In France, since the middle of the 1990s, they contain an animation unit (legally an association of members) and actors sets (companies and laboratories) working in network and being able to be financed by public actors (State, territorial and local regions). The NP case is a research program which enters this frame. In this paper, our objective is to show the relevance of the concept of CTK to understand the generation microprocesses of new knowledge within the poles of competitiveness.
The author
Maître de conférences en Sciences de Gestion, membre titulaire du CEREFIGE, enseignante à l’Université de Lorraine (IUT Nancy-Charlemagne). Domaines de recherche : problèmes d’intercompréhension et génération des connaissances dans les projets multi-domaines, dépassement de la discorde et compromis dans les situations de restructuration. Enseignements : création d’entreprise, management, stratégie, gestion des connaissances et des compétences, gestion de projets, psychologie sociale et sociologie des organisations. delphine.wannenmacher@univ-lorraine.fr