A growing number of investors no longer seeks mainly to earn money by running businesses, but by making transactions on property rights of companies. The purchase and resale of industrial and commercial establishments are moments where large sums of money are exchanged quickly and in which fortunes are made and unmade. What are the consequences of these changes in ownership on the constant long-term development of the institutions concerned and prosperity (or decline) of their stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, small investors and local) ? We propose here to examine these issues from the case study of European investment in the Brazilian bioethanol.
MM201422033 Art. Parcours et nouvelles routes migratoires en Méditerranée
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Depuis une vingtaine dannées, des changements importants sopèrent au sein du bassin méditerranéen. Les frontières sont de plus en plus difficiles à traverser entre le contient africain et européen. Cet article analyse la position géopolitique du Maroc et les évolutions des politiques migratoires qui ont un impact sur les circulations des migrants marocains entre le Maroc et lEurope. À partir dune étude empirique et le suivi de deux parcours migratoires, nous analysons les nouvelles routes migratoires, les étapes et les bifurcations prises par les Marocains au sein de lespace euro-méditerranéen. Ces circulations sont fortement en lien avec la politique migratoire de plus en plus restrictive menée par lEurope de Schengen et par le Maroc.
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A growing number of investors no longer seeks mainly to earn money by running businesses, but by making transactions on property rights of companies. The purchase and resale of industrial and commercial establishments are moments where large sums of money are exchanged quickly and in which fortunes are made and unmade. What are the consequences of these changes in ownership on the constant long-term development of the institutions concerned and prosperity (or decline) of their stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, small investors and local) ? We propose here to examine these issues from the case study of European investment in the Brazilian bioethanol.
A growing number of investors no longer seeks mainly to earn money by running businesses, but by making transactions on property rights of companies. The purchase and resale of industrial and commercial establishments are moments where large sums of money are exchanged quickly and in which fortunes are made and unmade. What are the consequences of these changes in ownership on the constant long-term development of the institutions concerned and prosperity (or decline) of their stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, small investors and local) ? We propose here to examine these issues from the case study of European investment in the Brazilian bioethanol.