MC20154144 Chroniques régionales : Asie du Sud Est, Taïwan
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Le 22 décembre 2014, une femme a été tuée dans le Nord- Ouest de la Birmanie lors dune manifestation contre lédification dune clôture protégeant le site dune mine controversée. Sil est difficile de connaître avec exactitude le fil des événements ayant entrainé un décès et plusieurs blessées, la présence de la mine est sans conteste le catalyseur des échauffourées opposant le service de sécurité de la mine et la police dun côté, et la population locale de lautre.
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This article intends to celebrate thirty years of Myriam, this amazing ad campaign that moved the France of 1981 alone, revealing the underside of the eponymous model, according to promise more and more daring: "On September 2, take off the top" "on September 4, I remove the bottom" ... in replaying with care and passion striptease Myriam, the article will show that, thirty years later, this gesture is eternal because with Myriam, there are always below to below. This amazing yarrow advertising allows us to approach (but not to know) the hidden springs of teasing seductions of advertising and commercial curiosity.
This study the methodology "solid" makes a decision strategy based on elements simple clinical and biological safely stop a anticoagulant therapy in women who had a first spontaneous venous thrombotic episode and treated for 5 to 7 months.
This article intends to celebrate thirty years of Myriam, this amazing ad campaign that moved the France of 1981 alone, revealing the underside of the eponymous model, according to promise more and more daring: "On September 2, take off the top" "on September 4, I remove the bottom" ... in replaying with care and passion striptease Myriam, the article will show that, thirty years later, this gesture is eternal because with Myriam, there are always below to below. This amazing yarrow advertising allows us to approach (but not to know) the hidden springs of teasing seductions of advertising and commercial curiosity.
This study the methodology "solid" makes a decision strategy based on elements simple clinical and biological safely stop a anticoagulant therapy in women who had a first spontaneous venous thrombotic episode and treated for 5 to 7 months.