A growing number ofinvestorsno longer seeksmainly toearn moneyby runningbusinesses, butby makingtransactions onproperty rightsof companies.The purchaseand resale ofindustrial and commercial establishmentsaremomentswherelarge sums ofmoney areexchangedquickly andin whichfortunes aremade and unmade.What are the consequencesof thesechanges in ownershipon theconstantlong-term developmentof the institutions concernedandprosperity(or decline) of theirstakeholders (employees,customers, suppliers, small investorsand local)?We proposehere to examinethese issuesfrom thecase study ofEuropean investment in theBrazilianbioethanol.
The introductionof international practicesin Vietnam'smanagementseems tostumbleon somecultural behavior.Rather thanexamineahypotheticalchange in values, it isto understandthe ideathat actorshave of theplace of the individualand hisrelation to othersin the Vietnamese context.From acomparisonline by lineof a code ofbusiness ethicsand itsVietnamese translation,we will highlightin this articletwovery differentconceptionsof therelationship to the worldand goodgovernance.It is fromthis understandingof the differences betweenthese twocultural worldsthat companiescould adapttheir management practicesto local conditions.