Does academia’s obsession with publishing in journals with the widest renown help the science of management advance? On the contrary, evaluating research by the number of highly cited publications estranges those who publish from research itself! Forms of research are defended herein that are closer to the subject of study. Although they will not necessarily find a place as articles formatted for star journals, they allow for more innovation and creativity.
Whileone wonders aboutthe business of thetwenty-first centuryand "the companypost-crisis",it is usefulto return to theoriginalcompanyof the twentieth century.Under what conditionsit isborn?Whatexplains theformsthat we know?And what arethe foundationsthat couldnowbe challenged?Berle and Meansprovidea historicalinterest, sincetheir bookThe ModernCorporationand Privateporperty(1932)analyzes theemergence ofmodern businessin the early the twentieth century.