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Presentation of the journal
“Travel and tourism accounts for 258 million jobs globally. At US$6 trillion (9.1% of GDP) the sector is a key driver for
investment and economic growth and at a global level. It is larger than the automotive industry at 8% GDP, and just smaller
than banking at 11%.
Our key challenge in the industry is to stimulate jobs and investment, eliminating barriers to travel such as visa restrictions,
taxation, and outmoded infrastructure systems.”
David Scowsill, President & CEO, World Travel & Tourism Council quotation from ITB Berlin 2014 site
The world of travel and tourism must take into account the global and multidisciplinary aspects of the activities and those involved.
Legal aspects are among the components of this great human and professional puzzle.
The journal TOURISM LAW and PRACTICE publishes articles in both French and English. Its goal is to render travel and tourism industry involvement more enjoyable and more efficient.
The journal TOURISM LAW and PRACTICE has gathered professionals, managers and researchers who will try to provide answers to all of your concerns while revealing new ideas and talents you need in your daily practice.
investment and economic growth and at a global level. It is larger than the automotive industry at 8% GDP, and just smaller
than banking at 11%.
Our key challenge in the industry is to stimulate jobs and investment, eliminating barriers to travel such as visa restrictions,
taxation, and outmoded infrastructure systems.”
David Scowsill, President & CEO, World Travel & Tourism Council quotation from ITB Berlin 2014 site
The world of travel and tourism must take into account the global and multidisciplinary aspects of the activities and those involved.
Legal aspects are among the components of this great human and professional puzzle.
The journal TOURISM LAW and PRACTICE publishes articles in both French and English. Its goal is to render travel and tourism industry involvement more enjoyable and more efficient.
The journal TOURISM LAW and PRACTICE has gathered professionals, managers and researchers who will try to provide answers to all of your concerns while revealing new ideas and talents you need in your daily practice.
Editor in Chief :
Laurence JEGOUZO
e-mail :
Editorial Committee :
Saliha Abdou, Directeur Juridique, Droit des Affaires, Club Meditérrannée
Guy Barrey, Inspecteur général, Ministère du Développement durable
Jean-François Béraud, Directeur, Association des maires des stations thermales
Alain Bourdin, Professeur, Institut français durbanisme
Pierre Bretel, Délégué Général, de lAssociation nationale des élus de la montagne
Alice Fuchs-Cessot, Maître de conférences en droit, Faculty
René-Marc Chikli, Président, SETO
Julia Csergo, Professeur, Université du Québec (UQAM)
Alexis Delaroff, Directeur Général, Accor Russia and CIS
Alain Dupeyras, Directeur, OCDE-OECD
Norbert Foulquier, Professeur - Avocat, SERDEAUT
Laurence Jegouzo, Professeur - Avocat,
Louis Jolin, Professeur Associé, UQAM
Sophie Mise-Labouleise, Commissaire Général, Fête de la Gastronomie
Serge Kebabtchieff, Directeur de la Publication, Editions Eska
Géradine Leduc, Directeur, Association nationale des maires des stations classées et des communes touristiques
Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, Président, Cercle des économistes
Keith Lindsay, Directeur Général des Opérations Hotels de CBRE pour lEurope, Le Moyen Orient
et lAfrique, CBRE
Jean-Luc Michaud, Président, Institut français du tourisme
Alain Capestan, Président, Voyageurs du Monde
Emmanuelle Llop, Avocat, cabinet Equinoxe avocat
Myriam Quémener, Magistrat, Cour dappel de Versailles
Frédéric Rolin, Professeur - Avocat, University Evry et Avocat
Ali Sedjari, Professeur, Professeur de droit à lUniversité de Rabat
David Syed, Avocat, Avocat Associé cabinet Orrick
Alain Tchangoum, responsable juridique, directeur juridique Costa croisières
Johann Touchard, Architecte - Urbaniste, Architecte urbaniste
Franck Waserman, Professeur, Boulogne
Publisher director :
Serge KEBABTCHIEFF, Président Directeur Général des Editions ESKA 12, rue du Quatre Septembre 75002 Paris
Tél. 33 (1) 42 86 55 65 Fax 33 (1) 42 60 43 35
To whom is this journal addressed? :
u Airline executives
u Passenger carriers
u Lawyers
u Legal authorities
u Planners and architects
u Cultural heritage authorities
u Developers
u Public planning authorities
u Restaurants and caterers
u Supervisory authorities
u Professional associations
u Reservation and e-booking professionals
u Marketing agencies
u Employees, teachers and coaches
u Information systems
1. Law in Practice
2. Transport and Tourism
3. Economics of Tourism
4. Communication Tourism
5. Marketing of Tourism
6. The Tourism Management
7. Human Resources and Tourism
8. Investment and Tourism
9. Hotels of the World
10. Safety and Tourism
11. News of the world
12. Just published
13. Generations and Tourism
14. Culture and Tourism
15. Territories and Tourism
16. Theses
17. Gender and Tourism
18. Sport and Tourism
19. Tourism and events exhibitions
2. Transport and Tourism
3. Economics of Tourism
4. Communication Tourism
5. Marketing of Tourism
6. The Tourism Management
7. Human Resources and Tourism
8. Investment and Tourism
9. Hotels of the World
10. Safety and Tourism
11. News of the world
12. Just published
13. Generations and Tourism
14. Culture and Tourism
15. Territories and Tourism
16. Theses
17. Gender and Tourism
18. Sport and Tourism
19. Tourism and events exhibitions
Fabrication :
AGPA Editions* 4, rue Camélinat 42000 Saint-Etienne
Tél. 33 (4) 77 43 26 70 Fax 33 (4) 77 41 85 04
Marie-Thérèse SOULAS
: Secrétariat
Mail :
* une filiale des Editions ESKA
Editions ESKA - 12 rue du Quatre Septembre - 75002 Paris
Tél. (33) (1) 42 86 55 65 - Fax 33 (1) 42 60 45 35
Marise URBANO : Maquettiste
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