Revolution and violence in Syria: Legacy of Muslim Brotherhood

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"It's been since 1950 that we are fighting against the Brotherhood
Muslims and we are still struggling against them so far, "said
Bashar al-Assad's Daily Telegraph there are now more than a year. a few
months after this statement, which aimed to raise the specter of Islam
policy as the only alternative to the Baathist regime, the Syrian leadership
undertook to remind Western media how the concepts
Islamism and radicalism were, for them, necessarily associated.
A journalist working for a Syrian television channel owned
by Suleiman Mahmoud Maarouf, close to General Muhammad Nasif
Khayr Bek himself safe Advisor to the President, filed
then the name of a fake website representing the Muslim Brotherhood
Syria would claim that the terrorist attacks in Damascus on 23
December 2011 1. Handling only lasted a few days, the
representatives of the Syrian Brotherhood immediately denying the facts and newspapers
who had resumed publishing false information, in their majority, a
note clarifying the situation 2. But the damage was done: in a short time, the
regime was able to distill the memories of the 1970s and 1980s
during which the Muslim Brotherhood had radicalized their tactics and
had come to ally with the most extremist Islamist factions and
violent opposed to the regime of Hafez al-Assad. What lessons Brothers
Syria did they fire their struggle against the Baath? The positions of the brotherhood they have not changed since the massacre of Hama in February 1982, the highlight of the Islamist opposition, has decimated their ranks?

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