Il y a 33 produits.
Availability: Out of stock
- Determinants of the Financial Performance of Major European Banks
- Market Risk Measurement Models: Estimation of Volatility and Correlation
- Stock Index Futures Dynamics : Evidence from France
- Herding in French Stock Markets: Empirical Evidence from Equity Mutual Funds
- Microfinance Institutions Ratings: The Influence of Board Characteristics
Availability: Out of stock
- Headquarters’ Control Capacity and the Choice of R&D Organizational Forms Abroad
- Equity Market Comovements and Financial Contagion: a Study of Latin America and the United States
- The Financial Volatility of Islamic Banks during the Subprime Crisis
- What Drives Stock Return Commonalities?
- Is there a “good” Measure of Market Risk during a Financial Crisis?
Availability: 100 In Stock
- New Challenges of ESG Issues
- Why are Mutual Fund Alphas Systematically Negative?
- Name Changes and Equity Mutual Fund Returns
- Does Corporate Governance Affect Stock Liquidity in the Tunisian Stock Market?
Focus On
- Prepacks
Availability: 100 In Stock
An Empirical Analysis of the Benefits of Inflation- Linked Bonds
A Review of Corporate Bond Indices
Managing Sovereign Credit Risk Exposure in a Global Equity Portfolio
Assessing Volatility Indicators: The Benefi t of Local Equity Volatility Indices
Liquidity in European Equity ETFs: What Really Matters?
Beneath the Sovereign Debt Iceberg
Availability: Out of stock
- Holder-Extendible Options with Modifiable Underlying-Assets
- Transparency and Market Quality
- CSR and Market Valuation
- Explaining the Stock Market’s Reaction to Macroeconomic Announcements
Focus On
- Rating Agencies and Financial Regulation : Thirty Years of Academic Research
Availability: Out of stock
Do Institutional Investors Improve Stock Liquidity?
Changes in the Number of Reported Business Segments and Earnings Management
Ownership, Technical Effi ciency and Cost of Bad Loans: Evidence from the Tunisian Banking Industry
Strategic Management of Private Benefi ts in a Contingent Claim Framework
Bank capital and Risk-Taking: Old and New Perspectives from the Crisis