Bankers, Markets & Investors n° 121 – Novembre-Décembre 2012
The Performance of Islamic Investment: Evidence from the Dow Jones Islamic Indexes
Volatility Strategies for Global and Country Specific European Investors
Problem Loans in the MENA Countries: Bank Specifi c Determinants and the Role of the Business and the Institutional Environment
Short Term Wealth Creation Sustainability of French Acquirers of Unlisted versus Listed Firms
Focus On
FO CUS ON… Financial flexibility
16 autres produits dans la même catégorie :
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Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Refi nancing and Shareholder Value: Covered Bond Issuances between 2007 and 2010
Evolution of the US Stock Market Risk Premium in Periods of Crisis
Investors Expectations and Preferences during the Financial Crisis and the Bursting Internet Bubble
Effi ciency in Islamic and Conventional Banks
Corporate Governance of Banks and Risk Management by Stockholders
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Option Pricing and Hedging in the Presence of Cross-Hedge Risk
Optimal Economic Capital and Investment Decisions for a Non-Life Insurance Company
Implied Distribution as a Function of the Volatility Smile
Focus On
Regulatory Governance Mechanisms in Banks
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Introducing a New Form of Volatility Index: the Cross-Sectional Volatility Index
The Link between Eurozone Sovereign Debt and CDS Prices
Performance of Socially Responsible Investment Funds against an Effi cient SRI Index: The Impact of Benchmark Choice when Evaluating Active Managers
Focus On
Shedding Light on Non-Financial Risks, A European Survey
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Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Refi nancing and Shareholder Value: Covered Bond Issuances between 2007 and 2010
Evolution of the US Stock Market Risk Premium in Periods of Crisis
Investors Expectations and Preferences during the Financial Crisis and the Bursting Internet Bubble
Effi ciency in Islamic and Conventional Banks
Corporate Governance of Banks and Risk Management by Stockholders
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Option Pricing and Hedging in the Presence of Cross-Hedge Risk
Optimal Economic Capital and Investment Decisions for a Non-Life Insurance Company
Implied Distribution as a Function of the Volatility Smile
Focus On
Regulatory Governance Mechanisms in Banks
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Introducing a New Form of Volatility Index: the Cross-Sectional Volatility Index
The Link between Eurozone Sovereign Debt and CDS Prices
Performance of Socially Responsible Investment Funds against an Effi cient SRI Index: The Impact of Benchmark Choice when Evaluating Active Managers
Focus On
Shedding Light on Non-Financial Risks, A European Survey
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
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