S'abonner à la revue: Bankers, Markets & Investors BMI
S'abonner à la revue: Bankers, Markets & Investors BMI
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An arbitrage-free interest rate model consistent with economic constraints for Long-Term Asset Liability Management
- The Influence of Variable Selection Methods on the Accuracy of Bankruptcy Prediction Models
- Extendible Options with Modifiable Underlying Assets
- The Perception of Dividends by Managers
- Mobilizing Investor Networks behind Shareholder Activism in France
Availability: Out of stock
- Capital Protected notes for Loss Averse Investors: a Counterintuitive Result
- The Cost of Accuracy in the Least Squares Monte Carlo Approach
- Success of Shareholder Activism: the French Case
Availability: Out of stock
- Comparing the Value Relevance of Earnings and Book Value in IFRS and GAAP Standards
- Credit Risk Evaluation: The Econometric vs the Structural Approach
- The Fund Synthetic Index: An Alternative Benchmark for Mutual Funds
- Corporate Governance and Performance of French Listed Companies
Focus On
- Symmetric vs. Downside Risk Measures in Portfolio Decisions
Availability: Out of stock
- Stress Testing with a Credit Risk Model
- How Many Banks does it Take to Lend? Empirical Evidence from Europe
- Diversification Portfolio Strategies and Financial Integration: Toward a European Capital Market?
- Risk Management of CPPI Funds in Switching Regime Markets
Focus On
- Why do Firms go private? Motivations, Performance and International Issues
Availability: Out of stock
- CEO Compensation and Managerial Performance: An Analysis of US Non-Financial Firms
- Calendar Spreads in Commodity Futures Markets, Risk Premium and the Convenience Yield
- Hedge Fund Returns and Factor Models: A Cross Section Approach
Focus On
- A New Classifi cation of Exotic Options
Availability: Out of stock
- SME Reliance on Bank Debt in France
- Real Estate Brokers: Do they Infl ate Housing Prices?
- Capital Structure Determinants and Convergence
Focus On
- Bank Transparency: a Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Assessment
- How do oil prices affect stock returns in GCC markets? An asymmetric cointegration approach
Availability: Out of stock
- Passive Investing before and after the Crisis: Investors’ views on exchange-traded funds and competing index products
- Stock Volatility, Institutional Ownership and Analyst Coverage
- The Contribution of Emerging Markets to International Diversification
- VaR and Omega Measures for Hedge Funds Portfolios: A Copula Approach
Availability: Out of stock
- French Corporate Social Responsibility : which dimension pays more ?
- The State of Development of the European ETF Industry after a Decade
- Towards the Design of Improved Forms of Target-Date Funds
- Why Pension Funds Should Favour Rule-Based Strategies over Discretionary Ones
- Macroeconomic Risk Management for Oil Stabilization Funds in GCC Countries
Availability: Out of stock
- The Impact of Ownership Structure and Control Mechanisms on Transaction Costs:
- The Evidence On Privatization Around The World
- Effi ciency of the Saudi Banking Sector: A DATA ENVELOPMENT ANALYSIS APPROACH T he
- Financial News and Volatility of Underlying Securities in the Pharmaceutical Sector
- The Impact of the 2008 Short Sale Ban on Stock Returns
Availability: Out of stock
- Investigating the Common Latent Component in Stock Returns: SYSTEMATIC AND SYSTEMIC RISK FACTORS
- An Address in Mayfair or Vendôme Spatial Rationality of Hedge Funds
- An Analysis of Risk Changes Surrounding French Convertible Bond Offerings
- The options embedded within pension plans: TYPES, VALUATION PRINCIPLES AND EFFECTS ON OPTIMAL INVEST
Availability: Out of stock
Common Factors in Liquidity on the Tunisian Stock Market Exchange
- The Performance of Socially Responsible Investment A STUDY OF THE FRENCH MARKET
- Herding in fi nancial markets: A REVIEW OF THE EMPIRICAL LITERATURE
- The Determinants of Payment Method Choice in Cross-Border Acquisitions
Availability: Out of stock
- The Cost-Effi ciency of French Banks
- Credit Risk Models: A Contribution to the Debate on CDS Pricing
- The Determinants of Productive Efficiency of the Banks APPLICATION TO TUNISIAN BANKS
- Realized Volatility and High Frequency : Data: WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS TO FINANCIAL MARKET ANALYSIS?
- Effi ciency and Threshold Stock Price Adjustment: THE AMERICAN STOCK MARKET CASE
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