An Empirical Analysis of the Benefits of Inflation- Linked Bonds A Review of Corporate Bond Indices Managing Sovereign Credit Risk Exposure in a Global Equity Portfolio Assessing Volatility Indicators: The Benefi t of Local Equity Volatility Indices Liquidity in European Equity ETFs: What Really Matters? Beneath the Sovereign Debt Iceberg
Do Institutional Investors Improve Stock Liquidity? Changes in the Number of Reported Business Segments and Earnings Management Ownership, Technical Effi ciency and Cost of Bad Loans: Evidence from the Tunisian Banking Industry Strategic Management of Private Benefi ts in a Contingent Claim Framework Bank capital and Risk-Taking: Old and New Perspectives from the Crisis
The Performance of Islamic Investment: Evidence from the Dow Jones Islamic Indexes Volatility Strategies for Global and Country Specific European Investors Problem Loans in the MENA Countries: Bank Specifi c Determinants and the Role of the Business and the Institutional Environment Short Term Wealth Creation Sustainability of French Acquirers of Unlisted versus Listed Firms Financial flexibility
The Great Divergence: French Equity Premium is Lower and Riskier than the US since WWI Is the KIID Sufficient to Associate Portfolios to Investor Profiles? Momentum Investing over the Last Twenty Years in France, its Persistence and the Effects of the Financial Crisis On the Performance of Socially Responsible Investing: Further Evidence Focus on... The Individual Investor