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Official organ of the international network of breast disease centers
Founded in 2010
Editors :
Dr Marc ESPIE, Dr Didier VERHOEVEN, Prof. Ruben ORDA, Dr Carol Ann BENN
Executive Committee :
Dr M.Espié (France)
Pr R.Orda (Israel)
Dr D.Verhoeven (Belgium)
Mr S. Kebabtchieff (France)
Dr C.Benn (South Africa)
C.Garcia Etienne (Italy)*
Political & Institutional Committee :
Dr M.Danaei (Germany)
Dr M.Espié (France)
Pr K.Kuroi (Japan)
Pr M.Marty (France)
Pr R.Orda (Israel)
Dr T.Pienkowski (Poland)
Dr D.Verhoeven (Belgium)
Pr S.Anyanwu (Nigeria)*
Dr C.Benn (South Africa)
Pr M.Coculescu (Romania)*
Pr C.Freire de Oliveira (Portugal)
Dr C.Garbino (Uruguay)
Pr C.Garcia Etienne (Italy)*
Pr E.Iglesias Martinez (Spain)*
Dr J.Jellins (Australia)*
Pr E.Levy Lahad (Israel)*
Dr N.Manoku (Albania)*
Dr S.Masood (Usa)*
Pr J.Milliez (France)
Dr A.Selim (Egypt)*
Dr C.Vazquez Albaladejo (Spain)*
Dr T.Walters (United Kingdom)*
Dr S.Zervoudis (Greece)*
Fundraising :
Dr M. Espié (France)
Dr R.Murgo (Italy)
Dr D. Verhoeven (Belgium)
Dr C.Garbino (Uruguay)*
Pr S.Khmil (Ukraine)
Dr A.Selim (Egypt)*
Dr M.Ziv (Israel)
Pr A. Costa (Italy)
Audience Committee :
Pr W. Audretsch (Germany)
Dr M. Hahn (Germany)
Pr K. Kuroi (Japan)
Pr E. Van Hoof (Belgium)
Dr MA. Oller (Dominican Republic)
Pr R. Abed (Paraguay)
Dr S. Abonante (Italy)
Dr J. Abreu de Sousa (Portugal)
Mrs N.Alby (France)
Pr S.Anyanwu (Nigeria)*
Pr T.Asatiani (Italy)*
Dr C.Benn (South Africa)
Dr M.Bohme (Germany)*
Dr MJ. Cardoso (Portugal)*
Dr E.Cianchetti (Italy)*
Dr J.Jellins (Australia)*
Pr Marion Kiechle (Germany)
Dr S.Masood (Usa)*
Pr S.Posokhova (Ukraine)
Dr A.Selim (Egypt)*
Pr R.Van Den Broecke (Belgium)*
Dr JM.Vannetzel (France)*
Dr P.Vermeulen (Belgium)*
M.Ziv (Israel)*
Pr S.Khmil (Ukraine)
+ more than 100 board members
Local organizing Committee :
Dr N.Chabbert Buffet (France)
Pr E. Van Hoof (Belgium)
Mrs N.Alby (France)*
Dr J.Bonneterre (France)*
Dr E.Bourstyn (France)*
Dr MP.Chauvet (France)*
Dr O.Cohen-Haguenauer (France)*
Dr S.Delaloge (France)*
Dr J.Desreux (Belgium)*
Mrs N.Espie (France)*
Dr S.Giacchetti (France)*
Pr A.Gorins (France)*
Pr F.Lecuru (France)*
Dr J.Masson (France)*
Pr C.Mathelin (France)*
Dr A.Merrigan (Ireland)*
Pr J.Milliez (France)*
Dr G.Orye (Belgium)*
Dr L.Proot (Belgium)*
Dr G.Romieu (France)*
Dr P.Veilh (France)*
Abstract Rewiew Committee :
Pr M.A Bashed (Bangladesh)
Dr N.Chabbert Buffet (France)
Pr E. Van Hoof (Belgium)
Dr D. Verhoeven (Belgium)
Pr D. Fink (Switzerland)
Dr M. Hahn (Germany)
Dr H.Junkermann (Germany)
Dr T. Pienkowski (Poland)
Pr M.Berliere (Belgium)
Pr R.Abed (Paraguay)*
Dr S.Abonante (Italy)*
Dr J. Abreu de Sousa (Portugal)*
Dr L.Chagla (United Kingdom)*
Dr O.Cohen-Haguenauer (France)*
Dr S.Delaloge (France)*
Pr J.Engel (Germany)*
Dr S.Giacchetti (France)*
Dr J.Heil (Germany)*
Dr S.Masood (Usa)*
Dr G.Orye (Belgium)*
Studies Committee :
Dr S.Masood (Usa)
Directeur de la Publication :

Serge KEBABTCHIEFF, Président Directeur Général des Editions ESKA – 12, rue du Quatre Septembre – 75002 Paris

Tél. 33 (1) 42 86 55 65 – Fax 33 (1) 42 60 43 35
Fabrication :
AGPA Editions* – 4, rue Camélinat – 42000 Saint-Etienne

Tél. 33 (4) 77 43 26 70 – Fax 33 (4) 77 41 85 04
Marie-Thérèse SOULAS
 : Secrétariat 




* une filiale des Editions ESKA

Editions ESKA - 12 rue du Quatre Septembre - 75002 Paris
Tél. (33) (1) 42 86 55 65 - Fax 33 (1) 42 60 45 35
Marise URBANO : Maquettiste 
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International Journal of Breast Disease Centers
Editions ESKA – 12, rue du Quatre Septembre – 75002 PARIS – Tél. 01 42 86 55 65 – Fax 01 42 60 45 35
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1. Lahita R. Kluger J. Drayer DE, Koffler D. Reidenberg, MM. Antibodies to nuclear antigens in patients treated with procainamide or acetyprocainamide, N. Engl. J Med 1979; 301; 1382-5.
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Siegel S, Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences.
Tokyo: McGraw-Hill-Kogakusha, 1956:116-27
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ISBN : 978-27472-3500-6

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