68,60 €

"Treatment options of hormone replacement therapy in the peri- and postmenopause • The menopausal, postmenopausal and aged (senescent) ovary: a three-dimensional dynamic update • Management of vasomotors symptoms • Menopause, HRT and the skin • Aesthetic endocrinology in Menopause • The Management of urogenital oestrogen deficiency • Assessing human female genital function by objective measures • Variation in body composition and leptine levels after menopause • Mechanisms of the vasculoprotective effects of estrogens o Assessing the anti-atherosclerotic potential of postmenopausal HRT • Lipidemia and BMD as indication for HRT selection • "" New "" active steroids and an unforeseen mechanism of action • Neurosteroids and microtubules • The estrogen replacement therapy: effects in brain that lead to memory • function and protection against Alzheimer's disease • Estrogen and Alzheimer's disease: what is the reality? • Breast cancer and HRT • Breast cancer and hormone replacement therapy: putting the risk into context • HRT in women with previous cancer (excluding breast cancer) • Oral HRT and Ca+ Vitamin D3 as postmenopausal osteoporosis therapies by the effects on subcutaneous collagen • SERMs: a new approach to postmenopausal care • Quality of life and the doctor-patient relationship • Hysterectomy and Sexuality • Hormonal monitoring of menopause treatment • How to use HRT: at which dose? • How should patients be informed about HRT? • Biochemical parameters of andropause • Endocrine profile of the aging (old)man • Nga Ruahine-Maori and menopause."

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"Treatment options of hormone replacement therapy in the peri- and postmenopause • The menopausal, postmenopausal and aged (senescent) ovary: a three-dimensional dynamic update • Management of vasomotors symptoms • Menopause, HRT and the skin • Aesthetic endocrinology in Menopause • The Management of urogenital oestrogen deficiency • Assessing human female genital function by objective measures • Variation in body composition and leptine levels after menopause • Mechanisms of the vasculoprotective effects of estrogens o Assessing the anti-atherosclerotic potential of postmenopausal HRT • Lipidemia and BMD as indication for HRT selection • "" New "" active steroids and an unforeseen mechanism of action • Neurosteroids and microtubules • The estrogen replacement therapy: effects in brain that lead to memory • function and protection against Alzheimer's disease • Estrogen and Alzheimer's disease: what is the reality? • Breast cancer and HRT • Breast cancer and hormone replacement therapy: putting the risk into context • HRT in women with previous cancer (excluding breast cancer) • Oral HRT and Ca+ Vitamin D3 as postmenopausal osteoporosis therapies by the effects on subcutaneous collagen • SERMs: a new approach to postmenopausal care • Quality of life and the doctor-patient relationship • Hysterectomy and Sexuality • Hormonal monitoring of menopause treatment • How to use HRT: at which dose? • How should patients be informed about HRT? • Biochemical parameters of andropause • Endocrine profile of the aging (old)man • Nga Ruahine-Maori and menopause."

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Availability: 100 In Stock

La puberté au cours des âges - La puberté féminine : aspects gynédo-endocriniens - Examen clinique gynécologique - Génétique moléculaire en endocrinologie e gynécologie pédiatriques - L'imagerie des organes génitaus internes - La demande d'échographie pevienne à l'adolescence - Pubertes dissocié : premature thelarche - Premature thelarche de la fille ou puberté précoce - Premature thelarche : un diagnostic difficile - Premature pubarche - Premature adrenarche - Découverte d'une masse plévienne chez l'adolescente - Kystes fonctionnels et récidivants de l'ovaire

Cet ouvrage est particulièrement destiné aux gynécologues, pédiatres et endocrinologues, mais aussi aux étudiants du 3e cycle des études médicales.

"La puberté qui inaugure l'adolescence est une période de passage entre l'enfance et l'âge adulte : l'adolescente n'est plus un enfant mais pas encore un adulte. Partagée entre le reniement de l'enfance et la recherche du statut d'adulte, l'adolescente doit gérer ce double mouvement auquel se surajoutent les bouleversements corporels et psychiques.
Les auteurs abordent ici les problèmes de pratique quotidienne rencontrés à la période péri-pubertaire chez la fille et tentent de définir une stratégie décisionnelle et une option thérapeutique adaptées aux concepts physiologiques récents et aux contraintes économiques actuelles."

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