Bankers,Markets,investors mai juin [extrait BMI 147]
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Dear readers,
It is my pleasure to announce a number of important changes.
I am very pleased that Philippe Bertrand, presently executive chairman
of AFFI, the French Finance Association, has accepted to help me steer
BMI Editorial Board, as co Editor.
The fist Publisher of BMI, Revue Banque, produced 146 issues of the
journal since 25 years, decided to stop their services to the Journal that
is no longer in the scope of the Group. BMI is grateful for the great work
they did and for their constant trust and support over all these years.
We tried our best to fid a good solution to continue what is considered
by many to be a valuable technical journal, combining an academic
framework and addressing useful research for Finance practitioners.
I are very happy to announce that Serge Kebabtchieff owner of Éditions ESKA, has acquired the Journal. The new publisher and its owner
represent indeed a great opportunity for BMI to achieve a new stage in
its development. ESKA publishes 32 academic and technical journals,
as well as many books notably in Economics. Moreover ESKA has many
international connections and distribution agreements.
Our ambition remains to publish valuable academic research that
have an impact to Finance professionals, with an international scope
although specialized on European markets.
We also aim to develop new items in the Journal, organize events to
present the published papers and create links between readers and
authors through a true community. Your ideas and comments are most
I am looking forward to contributing to the future successes of BMI
with Serge, Philippe, the members of the Strategic Board and the members of the Editorial Board.
I hope you will continue to enjoy reading BMI.
Jean-François Boulier
Chairman of the Editorial Board