Bankers, Markets & Investors n° 171 December 2022

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n° 171 December 2022
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How does bank capital influence lending and securities holdings? Evidence from Asian banks

Whelsy BOUNGOU, Associate Professor, PhD, Paris School of Business, Paris

Can Collective Emotions Improve Bitcoin Volatility Forecasts?

David BOURGHELLE, Univ. Lille, ULR 4999 - LUMEN, Lille, France Fredj JAWADI, Univ. Lille, ULR 4999 - LUMEN, Lille, France Philippe ROZIN, Univ. Lille, ULR 4999 - LUMEN, Lille, France

Connectedness between conventional and digital assets amid COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from G7 stocks, Oil and Bitcoin

Aymen TURKI, Assistant professor of Finance and head of Master of Science in Corporate Finance and FinTech, ESC Clermont Business School, France  Hassan OBEID, Associate Professor, Head of Economics Department, Head of PGE Master Wealth Management, Paris School of Business, France & Center of Research for Energy and Climate Change Change (CRECC) Sahar LOUKIL, Assistant Professeor in Financial and Accounting Methods, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, University of SFAX, Tunisia Ahmed JERIBI, Associate Professor at the faculty of economics and management of Mahdia, Tunisia

The Determinants of Equity Lines Financing: An International Study

Ilias ANNAOUI, University of Bordeaux – IRGO, Bordeaux, France Pascal BARNETO, University of Bordeaux – IRGO, Bordeaux, France

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  • Why Do Banks Hold Cash?
  • Pricing of Internet Companies: Financial and Non-financial Value Drivers

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  • Long Term Savings Performances: The 40 Year Track Record of Afer Funds
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